Bangladesh Weather Observation Team- BWOT is a group of youths where few of them are meteorological students who are providing accurate weather alert through the easiest way. We are working day & night in multiple way to ensure decreasing nationwide losses of any natural disasters. We are providing a lot of data here to make it your weather all-rounder. And also this is the first meteorological website where most of the data is available in Bengali. Stay with us and fall in love with weather.
What do we work on?
We mainly deliver near accurate weather warnings to farmers, fishermen and other professionals across all over Bangladesh. In this age, every year in Bangladesh, there are huge amounts of damage by natural disaster due to lack of timely warning to the people. Due to which, we formed this organization in 2015 with the motive of spreading disaster alert much earlier across the country. Since then, we have been playing a very important role over the last 7 years to reduce nationwide losses.
Members of this organization are constantly working to broadcast effective weather alert across the remote areas of the country to reduce weather-related damages to the public. Also, we have developed a volunteer team with interested people from all over Bangladesh to execute this work more conveniently. Our organization works for the people of the country throughout the year.
However, the initiatives of this organization are most effective during times of disaster. And we have been able to reduce the losses of huge amounts of resource so far across our community. So, we are very much hopeful to operate these activities in a more wider area and reduce much more damages of the natural threat across the country.
Our volunteer activities.
We have our own team of volunteers to send early warning messages to the remote areas of the country and to get an idea of impact frequency of the natural disaster across the country. Through whom we reach farmers, laborers, traders and people of various professions with accurate weather alert locally. Volunteer teams play a more effective role in dealing with natural disasters. So that we have planned to increase the number of members of our volunteer team in the future. Also, we have planned to undertake multi-faceted activities to reduce the damage caused by the disaster. Currently, we have 218 volunteers across the country. We send weather alert to them and they serve it to the rural farmers, fishermen and village people to have early precaution for the imminent disaster.
Our hotline number and its effectiveness:
We have a dedicated hot line number “+8801710851765” to provide weather related information. Where people from different parts of the country calls and get information. Any of their query have answers by 18h/day each week.
How do we collect weather data?
We mainly use global weather models those are openly available. The data obtained from these models (such as wind flow, air pressure, precipitation, temperature, humidity, weather index and many more parameters) are filtered with current observation results to determine the most reliable data through research. The critical weather data required for this research is usually taken from open weather sources. In this case, we use the observation data obtained from National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM), India Meteorological Department (IMD), Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) and Thai Met Dept. Then our reanalysis can determine a quality prediction which become more effective. In this case, this alert is more accurate than most other weather model forecasts.
These are the sources where we have all the meteorological data to use in our reanalysis process.
How are our activities managed?
Each of our members has a different role to work with. And according to the type of work, each member has been designated separately. Our members run the BWOT organization with a part time of their daily life. Till now this organization has been running office activities on a virtual platform with great success. So, we didn’t need any corporate office till now. We depict accurate weather alert through our virtual meetings and are mainly distributed through social media, website and our volunteers. From there, this warning/alert reaches remote areas of Bangladesh. Along with that, many people call our hotline number and get weather update easily.
Mission & Vision of this project:
The mission of this project in to build a strong economy of the country by reducing climate related losses nationwide. Currently, natural disasters have become one of the greatest obstacles to the prosperity of the country. In such a situation, the prosperity of the country becomes very difficult without dealing with natural disasters. Therefore, more steps should be taken in this section by using information technology and advance weather forecast system. In this case, our project can play a very important role along with governmental projects. Since we have been participating in the country’s disaster response with great success in the last 7 years, the further expansion of this project will play a more important role in building a prosperous country.
450,000+ Beneficiaries | We reach them via social media platforms, our websites, direct phone calls, and onsite volunteers |
Apart from this, many people of the country indirectly benefit from it. And even through our volunteers, countless people of the country benefit from getting forecasts well enough time in advance.
Funding of this Organization:
All the expenses of this organization are mainly borne by our members. At the same time, a limited amount of financial support is available through Facebook and Google Adsense. Except those, we don’t have any other financial support to run this organization at this moment. None of this organization have personal benefit nor having sponsorship to expand our activities. But we encourage donors to support us to have further development of this organization.